These 'Used' Telescopes are Now in
maintenance before SALE,or under Sale.
SOLD used Telescopes;
* GOTO (kougaku) 80mm F15 Achromart Refractor ( 40~50 years ago, Vintage
SOLD; 04 Feb 2017 , Thank you very much!
II accept the request of used Telescopes. Also please ask everything about Japanese old Telescopes.
Thank you very much!
If you have any questions, please E-mail to;
UP DATED; 16/Oct 2017
koji matsumoto (Matsumoto Company)
Telescope: Takahashi Epsilon-160
Camera; SBIG; ST-2000XM+CFW-8
Mount; Takahashi EM-200 Temma2
Exposure; L=10mminX8, R=G=B=10minX1
Soft-ware; Astroarts,Stera -image 7 & Photo-shop
Taken; koji matsumoto
Date; 29/Dec 2016 at Very Cold Night
SOLD! 07/March 2017,Thank you very much!
This rare Telescope was made around in 1985 year.
YES, 1985 year was for ' Halley's comet' year!.
In Japan, as Halley's comet approaches the sun, Very BIG Boom
was caused.
A lot of Telescopes may be sold in Japan......
I think it was interesting that people who were not interested in
Astroonomy wanted to buy any Telescopes,too.
It was the year when I was a only 20 year's old, like kids, so I couldn't
buy any expensive Telescopes like this PENTAX 100EDUF.
YES, this short Telescope was developed for (Commet Hally) by PENTAX'S
Strategic MODEL.
Also, I think this Telescope ( Astrogragh) was PENTAX's memorial Telescope..
Now, I think this Telescope will be nice for Visual. Of course, this scope
has a lot of blue chromatic aberration. I agree with it. However, I think
this traditional Telescope's charm is in other point..
I think that for refractors most important point is ( spherical aberration).
At that point, If I were a amatuer, I want to buy this PENTAX 100EDUF really..
Almost people will agree with my impression if he has any opportunity to watch any stars by this super-rare Telescope.
07/March 2017